To put it plainly...the future IS in our face.
MI’s maxim captures it his way…'If you are still sitting down, you are on a looooong thing!’ (And yup, he's the one right behind us ;-)
I say, if there's still an individual dragging his/her ‘feet’ about 'doing something'…today… be prepared to settle for whatever is left of this new uprising.
The Future Awards held at the Muson, Lagos City last night was amazingly impressive and inspiring. Packed with the boundary-breaking youngsters of Nigeria, it was an absolute eye-opener.
The opening speech delivered by Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director World Bank, was stirring. She passionately spoke about how the youth should ‘control’ the country. She urged us to stop blaming our leaders; instead we must take the bull-by-the-horn and change all that we can. This key-note address was followed by great performances by rising artistes.
For me, I was particularly struck by 18 year-old, Wiz kid…he just has that swagger; soft-spoken and not trying to come off older than he is, which you hardly find these days, really ;-) Well, he was my favorite.
On the whole, it was a star-studded night. People did come out. The whole room shone with stars in their own right. Everyone was gingered. For me, it was like I just came out of an empowering class...And yes, I'll share what I learned; we could never go wrong when we truly 'stick together'…when we come together to celebrate and inspire one another; it just makes life more beautiful and momentous.
I must say to the team behind this 'breath of fresh air'; you three…Chude, Emilia and Debola… have given us a clear glimpse into the future of Nigeria. Thank you.
Btw, I’m thrilled I caught up with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Gotta love her. She’s so calm from inside out. For me, since Chinua Achebe, no one tells the (her)story of Eastern Nigeria better than this woman.
This is an inspiring story.
You're good. I've never heard of you before but you're better than good. I'm inspired
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